Add okra powder to your daily health!

The ingredients are 100% okra grown in Ibusuki, Kagoshima Prefecture.
No extra ingredients are added, and the equivalent of five okra plants are concentrated in 4 grams.
It is a safe, natural source that is slowly absorbed by the body.
Please make use of it for beauty and health for everyone from children to the elderly.


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Okra Powder
Individually packaged type

Each 3g of okra powder is individually packaged, making it easy to carry. It is recommended for those who want to try the taste and quality of okra powder or as a gift for family and friends.


Okra Powder
Best Value Type

This is a large-capacity bargain type with the best price per gram of okra powder. 60 grams contains enough for 15 days with a daily intake of 4 grams per teaspoon.


Okra Powder
Functional Food Type

Okra Powder won the Gold Award in the Wellness Food Award 2023. This is the first functional food type product for okra. It has been reported to suppress the rise in blood glucose levels after meals.

Manufactured in a health food GMP certified factory


Health food GMP is a manufacturing process control standard to ensure that products are made “safely” and maintain a “certain level of quality. Okra Powder in 3g individual packages and Functional Food in 120g are manufactured in a factory certified by Health Food GMP.

We will continue to maintain proper manufacturing and quality control, and will make further efforts to provide consumers with safety and peace of mind.

Recommended for


For the health and beauty conscious

The dietary fiber "pectin" contained in okra powder feeds intestinal bacteria and improves the intestinal environment. By improving the intestinal environment, a healthy and beautiful body can be achieved from both inside and outside.


Pregnant women and those looking for baby food

Okra Powder is rich in naturally occurring folic acid and is ideal for pregnant women and those looking for baby food. It supports the health of mother and child by providing the nutritional support they need during pregnancy and childcare.


Those interested in healthy Japanese food products

Japan is the second longest-living country in the world. Japan's healthy food culture, including tofu, blue fish, and miso, is also believed to contribute to longevity. Okra powder is another product that can be easily incorporated with a healthy diet.


Those who are concerned about vegetable deficiency

Okra is a vegetable rich in dietary fiber. Okra contains a good balance of soluble and insoluble fiber. It is also rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. Whether you are looking for a supplement to compensate for a lack of vegetables or you are not a fan of vegetables, okra powder is the perfect choice.

Features of Okra Powder


Nutrients from okra grown in Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, are concentrated

Okra Powder is a product made from freshly dried and powdered okra grown in the rich nature of Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture.
The nutrients of okra are also concentrated, and the product is rich in dietary fiber (48.1g/100g), polyphenols (2200mg/100g), and folic acid (480μg/100g), and one teaspoon (4g) is equivalent to five okra plants.

No caffeine, no coloring, no preservatives

When making okra powder, we were particular about one thing. That is, "don't mix it with anything." Okra Powder is dextrin- and preservative-free, caffeine-free, and color-free. Okra Powder is made from the best parts of the vegetable okra.

To assure safe and stable quality, we also conduct tests through a third-party analysis organization to confirm safety.


Easy nutritional supplementation! Perfect for cooking and drinking!

Okra powder makes it easy to supplement your nutritional intake even on busy mornings. Simply add a teaspoon to yogurt, porridge, or smoothies to easily consume the rich nutritional content of okra.

Okra powder can also be used in cooking. Adding it to curries, stews, soups, and other dishes can boost its nutritional value.

About Okra

Research results from industry-academia collaboration

Yell Corporation, which delivers okra products from Ibusuki City in Kagoshima Prefecture, the largest producer of okra in Japan, has been conducting joint research with Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Junshin University, and citizens on the health effects of okra.

After component analysis and testing, a paper was published in a professional journal in 2022, which stated that soluble dietary fiber derived from Ibusuki okra suppresses the rise in blood glucose levels after a meal.

The results of this long-standing research were recognized by the Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency, and in July 2023, we became the first okra product to receive "Food with Functional Labeling".


About Us

オクラパウダー研究開発者 倉本哲

Yell Corporation, the distributor of okra powder, is a Japanese company located in Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

Yell Corporation is developing products utilizing okra, a regional resource with the largest production volume in Japan.
In addition, as a project to verify the beauty and health effects of okra, industry, academia, and citizens are collaborating to conduct a social experiment and promote the project.

Company Name Yell Co., Ltd.
CEO Satoshi Kuramoto
Location 129-2 Kaimonjumachi, Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture
  • August 2023
    Okra from Yell 120g [Food with Functional Claims] won the Gold Award in the Physical Function category of the Wellness Food Award 2023.
  • 2021
    Okra Powder" won the Grand Prize in the 6th Material and Product Contest in the category of dietary fiber products held by the Kyushu Regional Bio-Cluster Promotion Council in 2021
  • March 2018
    Won the Grand Prize in the 1st Agribusiness Business Plan Contest sponsored by Kagoshima Mutual Shinkin Bank
*Numerous other awards received

How to use


Okra water

Okra water is all the rage. Just add okra powder to water.


Okra yogurt

Lactic acid bacteria from yogurt and dietary fiber from okra double the effect of intestinal activity.



Adding it to porridge further increases its nutritional value.



Add the nutrients of okra to your favorite smoothie.


Soups and curries

Also useful for thickening curry, stews, and soups.


bread and pasta

The stickiness of okra powder turns moist and chewy when kneaded into the dough.

Frequently asked questions

Q.What kind of certification is Food with Functional Claims in Japan?

Food with functional claims in Japan refers to foods that can be labeled with specific health benefits by submitting a notification to the Consumer Affairs Agency.
This system started in April 2015.
Foods with functional claims are permitted to display their functions on product labels, etc., if the company proves, based on scientific evidence, that the product has a function that helps maintain or improve specific health conditions, and then notifies the Consumer Affairs Agency based on this evidence.

Q.Why is okra cultivation flourishing in Ibusuki City, Kagoshima Prefecture?

Ibusuki City, located in the south of the Japanese archipelago, is a region where okra cultivation is flourishing due to its mild climate, fertile soil, and developed agricultural technology.
The region is well suited for the growth of okra, which prefers warmer climates with higher temperatures throughout the year. In addition, the nutrient-rich, well-drained soil, including volcanic ash soil, provides an ideal environment for healthy okra growth. In addition to these natural conditions, Ibusuki City has developed agricultural techniques to improve the quality and increase the yield of okra.
The evolution of cultivation methods and pest control measures has made it possible to efficiently produce high-quality okra, and these factors combine to make Ibusuki City a good place for okra cultivation.

Q.How should I store okra powder?

Store okra powder in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures and humidity. It contains no preservatives, so please consume it as soon as possible after opening.

Q.Does the color of the okra powder ever vary?

Due to the use of natural ingredients, there may be variations in coloration, but this does not affect the quality of the product.